Thursday, April 25, 2013


Yes Summer is coming and the pool is getting finished up.  Water Aerobics will start as soon as we are up and running.

Speaking of Activities.    Here is a list of what is happening in the community.

1.  Card Games every Monday night at 7 pm
2.  Movie Matinee on Tues at 2 p.m. ( popcorn and sodas provided)
3.  Zumba (dance Party exercise) with your friends at 7 p.m. Weds night
4.  Zumba again (due to popularity) Saturday at 10 a.m.
5.  Thurs at 10 a.m. May 10 it is another spa day
6.  May's dinner will be on a Thurs night this month and I will keep you posted as to the date and theme

So you can see that we are keeping busy having fun.

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